Telepsychology remains an important part of practice and psychologists need to make thoughtful choices regarding the role of technology in their practices.
Introducing the newly released Telepsychology Competencies Credential 2.0 – an educational platform brought to you by The Trust and the National Register that enables providers to achieve proficiency in the most common elements of telepsychological practice.
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From the basics of secure, HIPAA compliant internet usage to advanced topics on telepsychological service provision to high risk and other special populations, the Telepsychology Competencies Credential (TCC) is designed to equip those beginning telepsychological practice with a necessary foundation for safe and effective practice.
The TCC is also designed to supplement knowledge for more experienced providers of telepsychological services. A number of the educational offerings will appeal to the advanced practitioner dealing with higher risk clientele or grappling with the nuances of specialty service provision.
The TCC consists of a variety of materials to help build your foundational knowledge of telepsychology. We have compiled a selection of webinars, practical template documents that can be applied in telepsychological practice, and reviews of telepsychological policy and practices. The curriculum includes a Telepsychology Primer document to guide your studies, important forms to help manage your telepsychological practice, and compilations of frequently asked questions in telepsychology.
To get your TCC, simply complete the required number of core and elective units. Those completing the TCC coursework and passing the appropriate exams can earn a minimum of 22 CEs, and because you can choose to view all elective content, you may receive substantially more continuing educational credit for no additional cost (44 CEs maximum)!
The cost of the TCC is only $350. Trust policyholders and National Register members receive a special price of $250 for the entire series – a $100 savings from the non-insured/member rate!
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