Workshops & Webinars

Risk Management


The Trust offers live workshops and on-demand webinars that qualify for CE and possible insurance discounts with topics covering ethics and risk management, the business of practice, HIPAA compliance, clinician self-care, cultural competency, telehealth, suicide prevention, and more.

  • National Practice Conference (NPC) – This annual event co-sponsored by the National Register of Health Service Psychologists is the must-attend event of the year and features some of the top clinical and risk management experts in the field of psychology. The NPC 2019, NPC 2021, NPC 2022, NPC 2023 and NPC 2024 on-demand bundles can be purchased here.
  • Business of Practice Webinar Series – As an advocate for the practice community, part of The Trust's mission is to provide psychologists with the know-how to run a successful practice. We're excited to share our expertise with you and look forward to supporting you and your practice with this new series. The live versions are FREE to Trust policyholders.
  • Virtual Webinar Series – Our live Risk Management Roundtables, Telehealth Community Chats, and Cultural Competency Forums are FREE to Trust policyholders. Our live webinars tackle the most pressing issues psychologists are facing today. From Q&As with The Trust's esteemed Risk Management Consultants, to presentations given by some of the best and brightest minds in the industry. The on-demand versions of our Risk Management Roundtables are free to policyholders, while the Telehealth Community Chats and Cultural Competency Forums are $15 per CE.
  • ABPP Webinar Series – The Trust has partnered with ABPP to offer these free informative webinars. The live versions are FREE to Trust policyholders.
  • On-Demand Webinars – Our library of on-demand webinars continues to grow with informative topics that you can view at your own pace and in the comfort of your own space.
  • Live Sequence Workshops – View the complete descriptions of TrustPARMA's ethics and risk management workshop sequences, and the learning objectives for each continuing education course. Go here for details and locations of upcoming workshops.
  • On-Demand Sequence Workshops – Those unable to attend our live 6-hour Ethics and Risk Management Sequence Workshops can now conveniently access the content online.
  • HIPAA Webinar Series – Healthcare providers who handle electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) are required to be compliant with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy, Security and Breach Notification Rules. Ensure you're in compliance by watching these three 1-hour webinars.
  • PSYPACT Bundle (On-Demand) – We've bundled six of our popular on-demand webinars to bring you our PSYPACT Bundle! Three of the six CEs earned from this brand new bundle can be used to fulfill PSYPACT's three-hour CE requirement for your E. Passport renewal.
  • Practice Resources Bundle (On-Demand) – We've combined four of our most popular on-demand webinars into one handy bundle. Covered topics include those that all clinicians will encounter in their practice at some point in their careers.

The Trust's continuing education programs are available to everyone. Individuals and groups insured through The Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Program receive registration discounts and are eligible to earn insurance premium discounts (between 5% - 15%) upon course completion.

The Trust is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Trust maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

The American Insurance Trust is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0019.