Risk Management Roundtable #25 (9/12/2024)
Starting topics to be covered:
- Risk management considerations for ending care with patients/clients.
- Responding to patient/client requests for disability paperwork.
- Effectively handling multiple relationships.
Learning Objectives:
- Apply current APA Ethical Principles and Standards to real-life scenarios.
- Identity at least three risk management strategies.
- Describe specific dilemmas that are arising in professional practice and analyze the relevant legal, ethical, clinical, and risk management components.
- Identify key risk management considerations related to: ending care with patients/clients (including when the clinician ends care despite the patient’s preference to continue), responding to patient/client requests for disability paperwork, and ethical and risk management considerations for effectively handling multiple relationship.
Supporting Youth and Families in the Digital Age (9/18/2024)
Dr. Jensen will summarize the research base on adolescent technology engagement and mental health, with an emphasis on specific features and affordances of different types of technology engagement rather than "screen time." She will cover effective media parenting strategies (e.g., limit setting, monitoring, co-use), tailored to developmental stage/age. Finally, Dr. Jensen will discuss how clinicians can help clients and their families maximize potential benefits and minimize potential harms in online environments.
Telehealth Community Chat #25 (10/7/2024)
- Identify two features of the revised guidelines for telepsychology.
- Discuss key considerations for psychologists who offer psychopharmacological prescription.
- Identify three practical considerations in establishing a new telepsychology patient.
ABPP Part 6: The Pros, Cons, and Ethical Considerations When Using Artificial Intelligence in Psychology Practice (11/13/2024)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-based technologies are transforming the way individuals, teams and organizations live, work and interact. As psychologists, we need to understand the psychological implications of AI and how to use it ethically and responsibly. This webinar will introduce you to the basic concepts and principles of AI and explain the major benefits of AI. You will also learn and engage in discussions about the major concerns and risks of AI, with a specific focus on the ethics related to the use of AI by psychologists and the field of psychology. By the end of this webinar, you will have a better grasp of what AI is and what it is not, and how to leverage its potential while minimizing its pitfalls in an ethical way.
- Identify the basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence.
- Discuss the major benefits and concerns of Artificial Intelligence.
- Identify the ethical and legal considerations when using AI in psychology practice.
Risk Management Roundtable #26 (12/5/2024)
- Apply current APA Ethical Principles and Standards to real-life scenarios.