Live Webinars


Our live webinars are FREE to all Trust policyholders and tackle the most pressing issues psychologists are facing today. From Q&As with The Trust's esteemed Risk Management Consultants, to presentations given by some of the best and brightest minds in the industry. We'll also make on-demand recordings available for those that can't join us live (Roundtables are free, all others are $15 per credit hour).

See below for webinar descriptions and learning objectives. As with all our Continuing Education Programs, Trust policyholders will earn CE for participating and passing a brief exam. They can also combine 6 or more credit hours earned from each live or on-demand webinar and save up to 15% on their Trust Sponsored Professional Liability insurance policy. Please submit your CE certificates when you renew your policy. 

Live Webinars

Supporting Youth and Families in the Digital Age - Sept. 18, 2024 | 2-3pm ET [To Register for Free, Use Discount Code TRUST100]

1 CE | Combine 6 CEs to Save 15% on Your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Premium

Michaeline Jensen, Ph.D.
1 Hour

Chat #25 - Oct. 7, 2024 | 5-6pm ET

1 CE | Combine 6 CEs to Save 15% on Your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Premium

Sara Smucker Barnwell, Ph.D. and Margo Adams Larsen, Ph.D.
1 Hour

NPC 2024 - Advancing Ethical & Risk Management Decision Making through Behavioral Economics & Decision Science - Nov 8, 2024 | 2-5:15pm ET

3 CE | Combine 6 CEs to Save 15% on Your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Premium

Leisl M. Bryant, Ph.D., ABPP, Marc Martinez, Ph.D., ABPP, Stacey Larson, J.D., Psy.D.
3 Hours

NPC 2024 - The Journey and Impact of Prescribing Psychologists - Nov 8, 2024 | 2-5:15pm ET

3 CE | Combine 6 CEs to Save 15% on Your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Premium

Jin Lee, Psy.D., MSCP, BCB, Lynette Pujol, Ph.D., MSCP
3 Hours

ABPP Part 6: The Pros, Cons, and Ethical Considerations When Using Artificial Intelligence in Psychology Practice - Nov. 13, 2024 | 2-4pm ET

2 CEs | Combine 6 CEs to Save 10% on Your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Premium

Kathleen Bechtold, Ph.D., ABPP & Ernest Wayde, Ph.D., M.I.S.
2 Hours

Roundtable #26 - Dec. 5, 2024 | 5-6pm ET

1 CE | Combine 6 CEs to Save 15% on Your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Premium

Leisl Bryant, Ph.D., ABPP; Eric Harris, Ed.D., J.D.; Daniel Taube, J.D., Ph.D.
1 Hour

Descriptions & Learning Objectives

Risk Management Roundtable #25 (9/12/2024)

Starting topics to be covered:

  • Risk management considerations for ending care with patients/clients.
  • Responding to patient/client requests for disability paperwork.
  • Effectively handling multiple relationships.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Apply current APA Ethical Principles and Standards to real-life scenarios.
  2. Identity at least three risk management strategies.
  3. Describe specific dilemmas that are arising in professional practice and analyze the relevant legal, ethical, clinical, and risk management components.
  4. Identify key risk management considerations related to: ending care with patients/clients (including when the clinician ends care despite the patient’s preference to continue), responding to patient/client requests for disability paperwork, and ethical and risk management considerations for effectively handling multiple relationship.

Supporting Youth and Families in the Digital Age  (9/18/2024)

Dr. Jensen will summarize the research base on adolescent technology engagement and mental health, with an emphasis on specific features and affordances of different types of technology engagement rather than "screen time." She will cover effective media parenting strategies (e.g., limit setting, monitoring, co-use), tailored to developmental stage/age. Finally, Dr. Jensen will discuss how clinicians can help clients and their families maximize potential benefits and minimize potential harms in online environments.  

Telehealth Community Chat #25 (10/7/2024)

  1. Identify two features of the revised guidelines for telepsychology.
  2. Discuss key considerations for psychologists who offer psychopharmacological prescription.
  3. Identify three practical considerations in establishing a new telepsychology patient.

ABPP Part 6: The Pros, Cons, and Ethical Considerations When Using Artificial Intelligence in Psychology Practice (11/13/2024)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-based technologies are transforming the way individuals, teams and organizations live, work and interact. As psychologists, we need to understand the psychological implications of AI and how to use it ethically and responsibly. This webinar will introduce you to the basic concepts and principles of AI and explain the major benefits of AI. You will also learn and engage in discussions about the major concerns and risks of AI, with a specific focus on the ethics related to the use of AI by psychologists and the field of psychology. By the end of this webinar, you will have a better grasp of what AI is and what it is not, and how to leverage its potential while minimizing its pitfalls in an ethical way.

  1. Identify the basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence.
  2. Discuss the major benefits and concerns of Artificial Intelligence.
  3. Identify the ethical and legal considerations when using AI in psychology practice.

Risk Management Roundtable #26 (12/5/2024)

  1. Apply current APA Ethical Principles and Standards to real-life scenarios.
  2. TBD
  3. TBD
  4. TBD

Risk Management Roundtables

Our Risk Management Roundtables consist of several Trust Risk Management Consultants discussing and advising about ethical and risk management issues. Participants are encouraged to raise their own questions and concerns for discussion. Exploration of various risk management and ethical dilemmas will occur, with a focus on helping participants tease out the clinical, legal, ethical, and risk management factors as we all work to meet the best interests of our clients in this difficult time. Trust policyholders can access both the LIVE and ON-DEMAND versions free of charge.

Telehealth Community Chats

Our Telehealth Community Chats will focus on the practical “how to” questions related to telehealth, and will span themes such as clinical practice, ethical considerations, technical considerations, and risk management. These Chats are designed to complement the Risk Management Roundtables. Participants are encouraged to submit questions to We'll try to address as many as we possibly can. Trust policyholders can access the LIVE webinars free of charge, and the ON-DEMAND versions for a nominal fee of $15 per credit hour.

Also, the CE earned from our Chats can be used to fulfill PSYPACT’s 3-hour CE requirement for their E. Passport renewal. If you are unfamiliar with PSYPACT, which stands for the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, please visit for more information.

Cultural Competency Forums

The Trust's commitment to prioritizing and supporting initiatives that promote equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging extends to the education and training we offer to our policyholders.

Introducing our Cultural Competency Forums, an update to our We Hold These Truths series. These Forums are designed to support psychologists in developing cultural competence—equipping them with the skills to effectively engage with diverse populations and create an inclusive work environment.  Additionally, the Forums emphasize the importance of cultural humility, encouraging a lifelong commitment to self-reflection and learning about one’s own biases and assumptions. By examining the historical and ongoing impact of societal issues related to race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, language, (dis)ability, age, religious commitment, and political perspective, our expert panel provides insights into how psychology can address these challenges. Psychologists will gain tools to enhance both their cultural competence in specific contexts and cultural humility as an ongoing practice of self-awareness and openness.

Premium Discounts

The number of CE you'll earn from each is provided in the description. You can combine 6 credits from our live or on-demand webinars to save 10%-15% on your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability insurance policy for two consecutive policy periods. Please remember to submit your CE certificates when you renew your policy.

On-Demand Access

If you cannot join us live, on-demand versions will be made available for each webinar. Trust policyholders can access the on-demand Risk Management Roundtable for free, while all other on-demand versions can be accessed for a nominal fee of $15 per CE. Please go here to search our on-demand library.

HIPAA Webinar Series

Healthcare providers who handle electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) are required to be compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy, Security and Breach Notification Rules. Ensure you're in compliance by participating in these three 1-hour webinars. Trust policyholders can access the LIVE webinars free of charge, and the ON-DEMAND versions for a nominal fee of $15 per credit hour. Please go here to access the on-demand versions.

The Trust is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Trust maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

The American Insurance Trust is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0019.

Please check with your respective licensing board as to whether a Trust webinar would meet your state ethics requirements.