Telehealth Community Chats

Telehealth Community Chats

Telehealth Community Chats are available as a live and on-demand webinar. They are designed to address the needs of psychologists and mental health clinicians. These discussions consist of Trust Telehealth consultants, Dr. Margo Adams Larsen and Dr. Sara Smucker Barnwell, discussing practical and ethical aspects of telehealth and patient care.

In these Chats, the hosts will focus on the practical “how to” questions related to telehealth, and will span themes such as clinical practice, ethical considerations, technical considerations, and risk management. Participants are encouraged to raise their own questions and concerns for discussion by submitting questions beforehand to These Chats are designed to complement the Risk Management Roundtables.

Trust policyholders can combine 6 or more CEs earned from each live or on-demand webinar and save 15% on their Trust Sponsored Professional Liability insurance policy for two consecutive renewal periods. Please submit your CE certificates when you renew your policy.

Trust policyholders can access the LIVE Chats free of charge. The ON-DEMAND versions are $15 per CE. Descriptions and learning objectives are listed below. Both live and on-demand versions offer 1 CE. Please click on the live event date and time to register. Each live event must be registered for separately. To view the on-demand version, simply click on the Chat number below. The on-demand versions of Chats 9-14 and 16-22 can only be found in the Telepsychology Competencies Credential (TCC). Go here for details.

Live Webinars

Chat #27 - April 14, 2025 | 5-6pm ET

$0 | 1 CE | Combine 6 CEs to Save 15% on Your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Premium

Sara Smucker Barnwell, Ph.D. and Margo Adams Larsen, Ph.D.
1 Hour

Chat #28 - July 14, 2025 | 5-6pm ET

$0 | 1 CE | Combine 6 CEs to Save 15% on Your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Premium

Sara Smucker Barnwell, Ph.D. and Margo Adams Larsen, Ph.D.
1 Hour

Chat #29 - October 6, 2025 | 5-6pm ET

$0 | 1 CE | Combine 6 CEs to Save 15% on Your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Premium

Sara Smucker Barnwell, Ph.D. and Margo Adams Larsen, Ph.D.
1 Hour

On-Demand Webinars

Chat #26 [On-Demand - Coming Soon!]

$15 | 1 CE | Combine 6 CEs to Save 15% on Your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Premium

Sara Smucker Barnwell, Ph.D. and Margo Adams Larsen, Ph.D.
1 Hour

Chat #25 [On-Demand]

$15 | 1 CE | Combine 6 CEs to Save 15% on Your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Premium

Sara Smucker Barnwell, Ph.D. and Margo Adams Larsen, Ph.D.
1 Hour

Chat #24 [On-Demand]

$15 | 1 CE | Combine 6 CEs to Save 15% on Your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Premium

Sara Smucker Barnwell, Ph.D. and Margo Adams Larsen, Ph.D.
1 Hour

Chat #23 [On-Demand]

$15 | 1 CE | Combine 6 CEs to Save 15% on Your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Premium

Sara Smucker Barnwell, Ph.D. and Margo Adams Larsen, Ph.D.
1 Hour

Chat #15 [On-Demand]

$15 | 1 CE | Combine 6 CEs to Save 15% on Your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Premium

Sara Smucker Barnwell, Ph.D. and Margo Adams Larsen, Ph.D.
1 Hour

Description & Learning Objectives

Our hosts/facilitators will guide participants through examples of common clinical and technical decision-making steps that relate to risk management implications of specific situations and choices, scrutinize options for solutions, and foster a tolerance for ambiguity inherent to our current context. We will also discuss professional practice strategies related to implementation for effective risk management and good patient care when regulations and requirements are unclear.

Objectives - Chat #15:

  1. Participants will be able to identify key features of a Hybrid Model for practice.
  2. Participants will be able to discuss important considerations in navigating changing mask mandates.
  3. Participants will be able to describe steps to learn about new billing codes and when/how to use.

Objectives - Chat #23

  1. Identify 3 best practices in managing patient non-compliance.
  2. Discuss key considerations in remote supervision of trainees at various levels and in various locations.
  3. Identify 3 important ethical considerations when practicing interjurisdictionally with or without a PSYPACT E.Passport credential.

Objectives - Chat #24

  1. Differentiate between four organizations relevant to the professional practice of psychology.
  2. Discuss key considerations when introducing artificial intelligence (AI) into your clinical practice.
  3. Identify three ethical considerations when faced with an interjurisdictional patient welfare concern.

Objectives - Chat #25

  1. Identify two features of the revised guidelines for telepsychology.
  2. Discuss key considerations for psychologists who offer psychopharmacological prescription.
  3. Identify three practical considerations in establishing a new telepsychology patient.

Objectives - Chat #26

  1. Identify three factors that impact psychologist competence in telepsychology.
  2. Discuss key considerations for psychologists who wish to remain abreast of differences in interjurisdictional laws.
  3. Identify three practical considerations in marketing your telepsychology practice.

Objectives - Chat #27

  1. Describe upcoming regulatory changes related to Medicare and remote care.
  2. Identify three mechanisms for risk managed interjurisdictional practice.
  3. Identify three best practices for psychologists concerned with managing risk in changing regulatory landscape.

Objectives - Chat #28

  1. TBD
  2. TBD
  3. TBD

Objectives - Chat #29

  1. TBD
  2. TBD
  3. TBD

Chat Resources

Please click on the links below to download each.

Premium Discounts

You'll earn 1 CE from each of the Telehealth Community Chats (live or on-demand). This credit can be combined with 5 other CE credits from any of our other live or on-demand Virtual Webinar Series to save 15% on your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability insurance policy for two consecutive renewal periods. Please remember to submit your CE certificates when you renew your policy.